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LBASense nominated as one of the top innovative technologies for Cultural Heritage

Cultural Heritage is the buzzword these days in Europe. Despite the term may remind of old times, the other keyword that currently goes along with is the fresh and dynamic “innovation”. Representatives from municipalities, technology providers, researchers and policymakers are gathering at The Fair of European Innovators in Cultural Heritage, on the 15th and 16th of November 2018, in Brussels, Belgium.
Among the participants, DFRC is attending the exhibition as a partner in ROCK, a project for the Regeneration and Optimization of Cultural heritage in creative and Knowledge cities, for which LBASense has been selected as innovative solution to help cities with cultural and historical legacy shape their future. ROCK involves ten cities throughout Europe, from Liverpool to Athens, from Lisbon to Vilnius, with more than thirty partners committed to promoting innovative approaches to improve life in these historical centres, measure the impact of such interventions, leading to sustainable development and economic growth. Within the ROCK initiative, DFRC provides its LBASense technology as a tool to assess and measure the situation in urban centres, in terms of crowd’s behaviour, activities and movements. Drawing a baseline of the city footprint before any ROCK action (e.g. renovation of street lighting), DFRC is able to estimate the change in the crowd’s patterns as an expression of the modification impact on the city’s Cultural Heritage.At the fair, DFRC will showcase the installation in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, and Turin, Italy, two of the ROCK cities who already adopted LBASense solution for Cultural Heritage.

Join the Community
On the fair’s opening day, the Community of Innovators in Cultural Heritage is going to be officially launched. A brand new platform is available for any kind of players in the industry, companies, organisations and private members. Participants can vote for the Best innovation exhibited in the demo area and Best booth exhibited in the demo area at the Fair; DFRC is nominated with LBASense for the first award.

Interested in our Innovation for Cultural Heritage? Contact us, we will be happy to help.

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About RoCK
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730280. The sole responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the ROCK project and in no way reflects the views of the European Union.


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