People counting technologies comparision

DFRC Group's solution

What we do :

By tracking mobile phone signals, we estimate the number of people present in an area, evaluates the duration of their stay and derives their country of origin.

How we do that :

We require sensors (hardware) to be installed in the area under observation: such sensors detect and count signals generated by mobile phones, transmitted over WiFi and Cellular protocols, without interfering in any way with the phones communication, nor acquiring any piece of information capable of identifying single individuals (e.g. mobile phone number).

Such signals contain, among others, anonymous data like the WiFi MAC address or IMSI/TMSI, which are the digital signatures of the phone device and the SIM card, respectively. No direct connection between these data and the identity of the person carrying the phone can be established with LBASense technology.


We offer both Outdoor and Indoor Sensors 
For outdoor sensors, a solar-powered option is available.

Sensors can be either rented or purchased. In both cases, maintenance is included.


Your crowd analytics data is available via dashboard, mobile app and APIs.

We regularly update our software to offer best-in-class experiences to our users.


We garantee min 90% counting accuracy.

Even if the same person enters the coverage zone multiple times, he/she is only counted once.

Counting Method

Mobile devices probing signals sent when trying to access WIFI.

If a phone does not have WIFI enabled, we target location-based services signals (such as those emitted when using apps like Google Maps, Bookings, etc).

Detection Range

Our sensors are capable of controlling their detection range (up to 5 ranges per sensor), providing different “virtual” regions of coverage using the same sensor.

The sensor full range goes up to 100 meters.


A person must have a phone in order to be counted.

However, we are able to detect and count any mobile phone, regardless of the mobile operating system or the Telco operator behind and without a need to download any special app.

Door Counters and cameras

What they do :

Door counter are commonly used in in order to count number of people inside a room or a facility, this method is highly accurate when people are entered and exit one by one the room / facility. 

Video and thermal cameras are typically used to count people in larger areas, usually open-spaces.

How they do that :

They require that door gates be installed at each entrance of the area under observation or that the cameras be installed in the area of interest.


Door gates or sensors (typically thermal cameras or video cameras)


Data is typically available via web-apps, APIs


Door counters are highly sensitive and typically the system is restarted to 0 at the end of each day

Counting Method

Door gates work by counting people passing underneath the gate.

Cameras count people in viewing range (video camera) or through heat emission (thermal cameras)

Detection Range

A Door counter's range is the gate itself, meaning that someone entering or leaving a facility without passing underneath the gate is not counted.

A camera's range is its line of sight.


Video analytics is highly sensitive to light condition and thermal cameras may count other heat-emitting beings such as pets.

Gates cannot track mobility inside the facilities nor dwell time.

Mobile App Location Data

What they do :

Mobile app location data based crowd analytics service providers purchase mobile apps location data and resell it to their customers

How they do that :

In order to get mobile apps location data for a person, this person must have consented to sharing location data through a particular app and have the app active so that the data gets sent to the service provider.

While mobile apps users typically agree to share location data to apps such as Facebook, Google, Whatsapp and other widely used apps, these companies do not typically resell this data to mobile app location based service providers. Instead, they keep it for internal use or for their advertising solutions (think Facebook Ads, Google ads,etc.).

This means that mobile app location data service providers usually purchase this data from smaller apps that are less active throughout the day. 


No hardware needed


The data is typically available in csv format.


While the app is active and consent has been given, app location data are very accurate.

However, because consent rate can be as low as 20%, these service providers typically extrapolate results.

Counting Method

When downloading a new app, users are typically ask to consent to sharing their location in order to use some of the app's features.

An app that has aquired a user's consent may resell it to a service provider.

Detection Range

There is no range limitations : these crowd analytics service providers usually boast having billions of users location data throughout the world.


Consent rates tend to decrease year after year, users being increasingly concerned with their privacy.

Legislators around the world are also tightening laws related to data privacy, location privacy included.

Final comparison
DFRC Sensors Counters, Cameras Mobile app location




Dashboard, API, app
Dashboard, API, app
CSV exports

Data ownership

Exclusive ownership
Exclusive ownership
Shared ownership


90% accuracy guaranteed
Less accurate, needs reboot
Accurate when app is active

Counting method

Mobile phone signals
People counting
Mobile app location services


Up to 100m
Gate or line of sight


Mobile phone required
Environment dependant
Legislation, privacy concerns

Reach out to our team if you have any question

Copyright © 2022 DFRC

43 Science Park Road #01-11 Rm 8, Singapore 117408