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LBASense deployed in Jinju city : tracking visitors data for increase retail revenues

LBASense, the Real-time analytics of visitors, has been deployed to resolve the long recession of the business district in Jinju city. This area has gone through an economic decline and with the breakout of COVID-19, the situation is expected to get worse.

The merchants tend to depend on their experience and business acumen but with the installation of the LBASense Solution, they expect to derive consumer insights and consequently optimise their marketing strategy and promotional offers.

September’s daily statistics of visitors in Jinju city. The number of visitors falls deeply on the weekend while the decrease in weekdays count shows to be steady.

What do the results show?

Overall, the number of visitors in this area is 60% below compared to before the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The most dramatic drop is recorded on the weekend, 54% and 44% recorded crowd over the normal activity trend. Although the merchants open their business on weekends with the belief that more consumers shop, data prove that the reality is far from their expectation. Likewise, they usually close the business on Monday, which is not a sensible decision from the perspective of data analysis.

LBASense Solution as presented on Local TV

What’s different?

We do not miss visitors.

The LBASense solution is able to count the number of unique mobile devices, our solution does not require visitors to take any action in order to be counted, it is sufficient that the phone will be turned on and within the range of our sensors.

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We value privacy.

LBASense Sensor collects MAC addresses of the mobile devices, this identifier is converted using a special one-direction 512 bits encryption algorithm into a unique number that can not be associated with the MAC address any more.  In this way, no personal information is stored in the system.

We predict the pathway of the visitors.

LBASense provides not only counting but also the prediction and understanding of the pathway of the visitors. Multiple sensors located at the different entrances of the market are able to predict the pathway patterns of the visitor and help businesses to take actions based on this information, for example, where is the optional location to advertise the business.

Interested in knowing more about LBASense Solutions? Contact us.


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