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COVID19: Social Distancing and Chuseok Holidays

It has been 2 weeks since the eased Social Distancing. The efforts to combat nationwide virus outbreak showed a successful result of two-digit rise for 3 consecutive days, however now it saw a three-digit increase, now 125.

Officials Warning

With upcoming Chuseok, Korean Thanksgiving day, the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) has warned that infections might increase sharply. In 2019, the total number of population movement during this period was 33.5 million. Thanks to the consistent promotion to delay the family visit during Chuseok, many people have decided to withdraw their plans.

However, the biggest obstacle is 5 days-holiday including Chuseok and weekend. People who cancelled their plan to visit the family now rearranged schedules to domestic travel within holidays. Last Chuseok, due to the short holidays and boycott Japan movement, the sales rose up to 43%. This year, the trend is expected to be more transparent and the reservation rate of major vacation resorts and hotels is nudging 90% on average.


Crowds Analytics

Let’s find more in detail of crowds analytics of LBASenseof DFRCquantatively. Since the eased level of Social Distancing on 14 September, the visitors to Gangnam station now see a significant increase, which is increased by 40%, about 18,000. Also, the activity rate for 20th is 1.6 times of that of 13th, just before the announcement of alleviation of the spread of COVID19.

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Jaewon Seo, senior analyst at DFRC, explained that such increase of activity and the eased quarantine will be decisive reasons for the rise of daily new cases of COVID19 after Chuseok holidays. This surge of population movement will affect the next nationwide outbreak of COVID19. It is required to keep the individual hygiene and comply with social distancing.

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