This article is published in the Case Study category.
Turin, Italy, November 2018: analyse the crowd’s movement and behaviour during the Art Fairs in November 2018, as part of the EU ROCK Cultural Heritage project, with a special focus on the mobility and returning visitors.
Three LBASense Crowd Analytics sensors were deployed onsite, detecting passively anonymous mobile phone signals, allowing to understand the general mobility trend of the crowd among fairs in the city.
Crowd Analytics data show that the most popular mobility trend in the city during the Fiere dell’Arte Torino days was from the Fair 3 area to the Fair 2 region.
In addition to the mobility analysis, LBASense sensors have detected the ratio of new versus returning visitors during the Festival.
Results from the Returning visitors’ analysis show that the Fair 2 area attracted more returning visitors on Sunday than the other areas of the city, meaning either that this zone is more popular on Sundays or that visitors were interested in re-visiting fairs in this zone in particular.
Crowd Analytics such as footfall, mobility, returning visitors count, can be very useful for security monitoring during very large events and city planning (transportation) during festivals and free outdoor events. They also allow measuring the success of a particular marketing campaign, thanks to the crowd’s activity analysis.
Interested in deploying a similar system to analyse your event? Contact us for more information, we will be happy to help.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730280. The sole responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the ROCK project and in no way reflects the views of the European Union.
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